by Maria Lebron, January 2021 What can you do when you’re feeling down or unmotivated? What can you do when nothing feels enjoyable? What can you do when you have no desire to be around people or do anything? These feelings, clinically known as anhedonia, can be caused by a variety of issues, such as […]
Challenges Faced During the Teen Years
By Maria Lebron, February 2020 Being a teen can be really hard! The teen years are filled with emotional highs and lows as physical and emotional growth takes place. Teens face internal and external challenges as they try to cope with puberty, hormonal changes, and social, parental, and school pressures. Teens may feel overwhelmed and […]
When Should You Seek Treatment for Depression?
By Maria Lebron, January 2020 According to the World Health Organization, depression affects more than 264 million people, is the leading cause of disability, can lead to suicide, and is a major contributor globally to disease. Causes of Depression Depression can be caused by an interaction of social, psychological, and biological factors. — Stressful life […]